Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Rethinking my previous post, though it is possible it seems
unlikely. The winged lion as Britain-America-NATO has
had more impact relevant to prophecy, in bringing Israel
back to its homeland, than any other option for the winged
lion. It has been a major player in the Middle East in other
ways also before during and after that time to the present.

Monday, November 24, 2014

A New Twist on the Winged Lion?

Lately I've been following the action in Syria and Iraq involving
Kurdish resistance to ISIL. And I stumbled on this. Seems the
eagle and sometimes the falcon is a kind of totem animal for them.

And they are (at least lately) being referred to as lions. And there are
four main loci of operation, which might end up being four separate
Kurdistans or four autonomous regions within a united Kurdistan:
Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran (with some scattered presence elsewhere).
This of course would only be relevant to the chicken winged leopard,
not the eagle winged lion.

It is being argued that they, being devoted to multiethnic peace
and being more focussed on their culture and people than on
any one religion, therefore devoted to secularism (at least those
running the Iraqi and Syrian sections and the PKK element
in Turkey) are the best boots on the ground against ISIS/ISIL,
and should get a lot more help from the USA.

Russia has a history of friendly relations with the Kurds.

The Kurds have a plethora of religions among them, both main
strands of Islam (with a lot of concomitant problems like
arranged marriages and female genital mutilation in Iraq and
probably elsewhere, but a long and complicated history of
some undercurrent of sex equality that occasionally surfaces
in the form of some female tribal leader or woman warriors
here and there, and you can search old photos of them and
maybe once see a veiled woman and only produced a few
jihadis so far), at least three zoroastrian connected small weird
cults and 10% of the population is Christian. Apparently you
are not at that much risk of being killed for converting from
Islam to Christianity among them, one of the earlier Barzanis
who left a legacy of environmental and other issues was a
Christian convert and didn't lose his leadership position.

Both the Rojava (Syria) and KRG (Iraq) groups have just
outlawed polygamy and the latter are looking at prosecuting
those who evade the law already in place by going outside of
Kurdish controlled land. Both have female combat troops,
though the KRG run Peshmerga may be scaling back their
actual use, while in Rojava (location of Kobane) the PYD
govt. there has both male (YPG) and female (YPJ) combat
units in place before the ISIS attack that brought them to world

Monday, November 3, 2014

yes Babylon WAS reduced to ruins

this article shows that, contrary to a lot of modern interpreters, 
Babylon WAS destroyed, not by Cyrus but by repeated invaders 
after him. Since it was to be destroyed to not be inhabited again, 
and is only ruins, only some outlying villages remain but not the 
city, at one point travellers couldn't even see the ruins and 
weren't sure it ever existed, this is not going to be end time 

The theory that Jerusalem is end time Babylon fails because of 
Revelation saying that it is spiritually called Sodom where Jesus 
Christ was Crucified.

That leaves Rome as a possible, but NOT A ROMAN CATHOLIC 
ROME! if Rome is end time Babylon in Revelation it is not a 
Roman Catholic (or any kind of Christian unless maybe 
hyper charismatic of the Bethel Church in Redding, CA 
sort) Rome. The reason is, that this looks like a revival 
of paganism (not disguised paganism as detractors of 
Romanism like to call it) and Reconstructionist Paganism 
is working there now. Reconstructionist Paganism take 
archaeological and historical information, and attempts 
to recreate accurately (not in a misty eyed New Age sense) 
the paganism of pre Christian cultures, thus, Celtic 
Reconstructionism, Slavic Reconstructionism, Aztec 
Reconstructionism, etc. etc. 

The Greek form was granted legal status in Greece some 
years back, followed by a rash of fires I think was the 
wrath of God. The Roman Reconstructionism is working 
in Italy. Since I haven't been on the yahoo egroups that 
specialize in any of this for several years, my information 
is out of date, and unless the movements collapsed I can 
only assume they are gaining more ground. 

These appeal to ethnic pride and a sense of antiquity and 
basically all argue that a people should worship their 
ancestral "gods" and not Jesus Christ.

while there is evidence that "Babylon" was a nickname

given by Jews to Rome, and that likely Peter did refer to

Rome when saying "Babylon" since in those days Christian

and Jewish pop culture were the same, that doesn't mean

the Vatican has anything to do with this. (It is not even on

any of the seven hills of Rome, and is outside both modern

and ancient Roman city limits.)

There might be other options. Or Babylon the Great a mystery might 
be what Mark S. Watson called a "moving stronghold," a spiritual 
stronghold that relocates when its host is destroyed, and he and 
others figure it is currently USA or at least New York City.

Wikipedia shows that of all the cities in the world built on seven hills, 
USA has TWENTY of them. The 20 cities listed incl. many I know 

nothing about, but the ones I do know something about are 

part of the great evil so "Babylon" might refer to a network of 

cities involved in this, with NYC at the apex. Other possibilities exist, 

this might take longer to play out than most think. 

Mecca as Babylon fails because nothing that happens to it would be 
visible from the ships at sea, unless some cataclysm turns it into a 
deep water port in future.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Daniel Revisited book review

Daniel Revisited by Mark Davidson
This writer has done some good research, but he is making some
bad mistakes.

Legio X that destroyed Jerusalem and The Temple were Syrian
and Arab, Titus gave remarks identifying them as such.

Hubal was the god of the Quraish, H'bal was how baal was said,
and allah is basically “the god” meaning whatever god you were
talking about so hubal was allah of Quraish and of the Kaaba, the
main one there, and appeared as a man. So did “gabriel” who
acted like a demon. Islam is repackaged baal worship.

The people of the ruler to come would then be Syrian specific
or Arab in general. However, might be an Arab who had Jewish
ancestry of the tribe of Dan, born in Rome with Roman
citizenship from an unchaste nun and the Arab or Syrian man,
and himself technically islamic or even Christian, in theory, a
nominal, who becomes a regional ruler in the northen segment
of the last empire, and rises to power in that empire, displacing
other rulers or annexing their regions.

Islamic Antichrist errs in assuming that the statue dream is from
the perspective of Babylon, and Rome in having power over
Babylon even part of the time conquered it, and the wording
doesn't require the kind of total conquest the writer ascribes,
and Rome did conquer Ctesiphon at least once.

It is unreasonable that Rome, which ruled over Judea, would not
be in prophecy, and it is in its day that the eternal kingdom is
set up Christ's first coming, not in the days of Islam.

The first horseman who conquers is probably Islam, and/or the

That the ram vision has to do with Antiochus Epiphanius does
not rule out it being end times also, that the former was a
prefiguring and will play out again, because Antiochus did
fulfill all these points or most of them.

One of the biggest weaknesses of this writer is that he ignores
the Scriptures which SAY THAT THE RAM AND GOAT
GREEKS. No end time relevance.

The deep leafy green implication of chloros of the “pale” horse
being the islamic green, might be legitimate, and the fourth
of the world equating to islamic held turf looks like a fit, so

some of this may be islamic persecution of Christians and Jews