new look at Daniel's prophecy of four beasts, not same as statue dream empires check first several posts why. THIS SITE MAY USE COOKIES AND I CAN'T MAKE ANYTHING WORK TO GIVE YOU A CHOICE USE AT YOUR OWN RISK I DON'T KNOW IF THERE ARE COOKIES OR NOT.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Saturday, September 9, 2017
islamic antichrist
in Daniel Revisited Discovering the Four Mideast Signs Mark Davidson
links all the critters in Daniel's visions to the present time. It is argued that
the reference to the ram and the goat being for the time of the end, means
that it is for now. Though already fulfilled in the wars of Alexander the
Great against Persia and the subsequent breakup of his empire, it could be
redone again.
A book arguing for preterism noted correctly that "the end of the world"
etc. terms refers to the end of the AGE not the end of all ages. That book
End Times Bible Prophecy: It's Not What They Told You by
links all the critters in Daniel's visions to the present time. It is argued that
the reference to the ram and the goat being for the time of the end, means
that it is for now. Though already fulfilled in the wars of Alexander the
Great against Persia and the subsequent breakup of his empire, it could be
redone again.
A book arguing for preterism noted correctly that "the end of the world"
etc. terms refers to the end of the AGE not the end of all ages. That book
End Times Bible Prophecy: It's Not What They Told You by
Brian Godawa makes a good case for hyperbole as typical middle eastern
communication style, so likely to be used poetically by God in speaking
to them, and therefore various cosmic references are symbolic of falling
of kingdoms and so forth (and/or a sarcastic slam at such who may have
equated their status with that of heavenly bodies). However, this doesn't
rule out some catastrophic stuff necessarily.
Godawa argues against double fulfillment, but a double fulfillment IS
done by the Messiah, Christos in Greek, because Jesus fulfilled the
priestly and sacrificial prophecies which puzzled rabbis some of who
thought there would be a messiah bar Joseph who would die and a
messiah bar David who would live forever. Then, having come back
to life and ascended to heaven in His flesh (He will never die), He
will come back and fulfill the rest of those messianic prophecies, where
He rules on earth.
So this in fact is not exactly a double fulfillment but a two stage fulfillment,
a partial fulfillment followed by the rest.
So where something was not done in ancient times in a prophecy and you
can't ascribe this to a city's repentance or something, then the whole thing
might play out again later, with some of the already done things happening
again, and whatever was not done happening also.
Yes, Matthew 24 does refer to the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem and the
Temple, but there are statements also about the Second Coming that can't
be anything but literal about Jesus, and not symbolic about, for instance,
Constantine. the parallel to the last days being like the days of Noah,
when everyone (except Noah and his family) were carrying on business as
usual and caught by surprise, so likewise will the Second Coming of
Christ and judgement catch all by surprise, would indicate that other
parallels might exist.
But it is also said that that generation that Jesus addressed wouldn't
pass away until all was done, this can be the generation that sees all these
things happen at once not in segments will see the Second Coming, but He
also said that some alive when He was speaking would not die before then.
Well, you got Enoch and Elijah who never died, Elijah appeared with
Moses (who did die) talking with Jesus at the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor.
These are likely the two witnesses of Revelation. Or it might be others,
These are likely the two witnesses of Revelation. Or it might be others,
since these die and are resurrected and taken up to heaven before the Second
Coming. Enoch and Elijah might well have been invisibly among them.
And some could have been miraculously kept alive to now, and will be kept
alive until the Second Coming.
But the issue is, that we need to read the Bible with the Jewish mindset
of the time in mind, and not our modern very precise scientific etc. attitude
or the Greco Latin attitude that led up to that. Fine, but there are still details
that show that while AD 70 indeed fulfilled some prophecies, all prophecy
is not fulfilled, and some replay will happen.
The Septuagint adds that the winged lion (or lioness in LXX and Britain and
America have led the charge in rolling back male supremacism and female
disempowerment) is driven from the face of the earth, and earth would be
haretz in Hebrew, not the whole world but the land, and the lioness also
appears still existing at the time of the Second Coming. So this is something
that comes from outside of "the world," not an alien invasion but outside of
the Middle East, outside of the regions of the Roman and Persian empires.
Since it is driven from the face of the earth, yet continues to exist.
Daniel Revisited relates the four horsemen of the Apocalypse to events in
modern Iraq, which is silly. They are expressly things that would SOON come
to pass so has to be a bit earlier. A big deal is made about the first horseman
having a bow but no arrows are mentioned, and Saddam Hussein admitted
he had no weapons of mass destruction so it was an empty bow he had so to
A bow IMPLIES the arrows. an archer. This probably refers either to the
Persian invasion of Jerusalem during Christian times, or to the Islamic
conquests or the Turks.
The notation of how olive oil and wine prices stayed stable while petroleum
oil went up doesn't fit, because increase of price is not harming something.
So far, I have read nothing that persuades me that the assessment Chris White
and others and myself have made of Daniel's four beasts is wrong.
The angel told Daniel that they were four kings or kingdoms that would arise
after him. But Daniel was living in the time of the Babylonian empire, which
if the equation of four beasts to four sections of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's
dream is correct, would have Daniel living in the time of the first beast, and
therefore the angel would have said THREE more kingdoms after Daniel,
not four. So these since the fourth ends with the Second Coming, must not be
ancient kingdoms at all. That doesn't mean that the antichrist won't come from
an Islamic context, but the main reason given for this, by Richardson and Shoebat,
that John mistook the Arabic letters for the jihad slogan for the Greek letters
adding up to the triple six number, is absurd. Surrounding this is the reference
to calculating by someone with wisdom, in other words a reference to gematria,
where the numerical value of letters used as numbers in absence of separate
symbols for numbers as we now have, is applied to figure the numeric value of
a word or phrase made of those letters. This is not numerology, where some
mystical implications or predictions of someone's future is drawn from calculating
the numerical value of their names, which in modern times adds all digits to break
down to two digits, add them to get one digit and figure the mystical implications
of the number that results. that is nonsense, and not how such calculations were
made originally. and the purpose wasn't fortune telling except when it was, but
a way of looking for similarities based on same number value of words and phrases,
looking for hidden meanings.
an Islamic context, but the main reason given for this, by Richardson and Shoebat,
that John mistook the Arabic letters for the jihad slogan for the Greek letters
adding up to the triple six number, is absurd. Surrounding this is the reference
to calculating by someone with wisdom, in other words a reference to gematria,
where the numerical value of letters used as numbers in absence of separate
symbols for numbers as we now have, is applied to figure the numeric value of
a word or phrase made of those letters. This is not numerology, where some
mystical implications or predictions of someone's future is drawn from calculating
the numerical value of their names, which in modern times adds all digits to break
down to two digits, add them to get one digit and figure the mystical implications
of the number that results. that is nonsense, and not how such calculations were
made originally. and the purpose wasn't fortune telling except when it was, but
a way of looking for similarities based on same number value of words and phrases,
looking for hidden meanings.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
looks like the four headed leopard is China
China has been building up power in Africa, South America, and now the Middle
East specifically Syria. These (and the fact that the Communist Party rules four
cities directly in China) combined with the Chinese homeland itself would be
eventually four main centers of power. the four wings are not of an eagle but
of a "fowl" and ducks, geese, chickens and miscl. pet song birds are typical
of China. And it is leopard habitat.
China has been building up power in Africa, South America, and now the Middle
East specifically Syria. These (and the fact that the Communist Party rules four
cities directly in China) combined with the Chinese homeland itself would be
eventually four main centers of power. the four wings are not of an eagle but
of a "fowl" and ducks, geese, chickens and miscl. pet song birds are typical
of China. And it is leopard habitat.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Spat with Walid Shoebat
Walid and Ted Shoebat are of the Islamic antichrist theory persuasion, one of those
things of which I say "they're onto something but it isn't what they think it is."
Walid is accused of false personal history, though a news article turned up that
validates his story.
Ihave detailed on his site the contemporaneous beast theory of Daniel and I'm sure
he doesn't like it.
But lately I called him and Ted on mishandling Scripture. repeatedly they will
make some extensive article on some point, AND THEIR OVERALL ASSESSMENT
IS MOSTLY CORRECT, but mixed in with rightly quoted Scripture is wrongly
quoted Scripture. the latest thing is Luke 1:15 which they say is about Jesus Christ,
when it is about John the Baptist! I called them on this and Walid banned me with
this nasty AND TOTALLY FALSE accusation, which I answer here since banned
"Previously she stated she was charismatic pentecostal."
I have never said I was charismatic pentecostal I said here or elsewhere that I after many years came to the conclusion this was a deception not valid.
"She even mocked the birth of Christ in another comment regarding the story of Onan's "wasted seed" mocking how this could be the line where Christ came from."
are you drunk or maliciously lying? I never said or even thought anything remotely like this.
I did say that the term "young woman" alma implies per Strong's Concordance a veiling and isolating that would mean there was no contact, no petting no nothing, a betulah virgin could give birth without a miracle as non penetrative sex acts that can result in an oops exist, SO IT IS MORE OF A GUARANTEE OF A MIRACLE TO USE THE WORD ALMAH THAN BETULAH both can be translated "virgin" but the Hebrew word rules out any kind of oops and rules out artificial insemination also.
"This is no Orthodox, not even a charismatic Pentecostal Evangelical. This is someone who is in disguise and is dishonest and believes not in Christ."
you are slanderous and idiotic.
you are also wrong in several Scripture quotes. Luke chapter 1 is about JOHN THE BAPTIST GO READ IT FOR YOURSELF.
YOU DO CHRIST NO FAVOR BY ARGUING FOR VALID DOCTRINES USING INVALID SCRIPTURE QUOTES likewise Malachi doesn't say grain offering though the incense angle shows your interpretation is valid, but your quote is not.
" Its an impostor and for years I put up with them reveals my patience. So finally it is wolf be gone. There is no room for dishonest people who cover up who they really are."
I am more honest than you are per these slanders.
things of which I say "they're onto something but it isn't what they think it is."
Walid is accused of false personal history, though a news article turned up that
validates his story.
Ihave detailed on his site the contemporaneous beast theory of Daniel and I'm sure
he doesn't like it.
But lately I called him and Ted on mishandling Scripture. repeatedly they will
make some extensive article on some point, AND THEIR OVERALL ASSESSMENT
IS MOSTLY CORRECT, but mixed in with rightly quoted Scripture is wrongly
quoted Scripture. the latest thing is Luke 1:15 which they say is about Jesus Christ,
when it is about John the Baptist! I called them on this and Walid banned me with
this nasty AND TOTALLY FALSE accusation, which I answer here since banned
"Previously she stated she was charismatic pentecostal."
I have never said I was charismatic pentecostal I said here or elsewhere that I after many years came to the conclusion this was a deception not valid.
"She even mocked the birth of Christ in another comment regarding the story of Onan's "wasted seed" mocking how this could be the line where Christ came from."
are you drunk or maliciously lying? I never said or even thought anything remotely like this.
I did say that the term "young woman" alma implies per Strong's Concordance a veiling and isolating that would mean there was no contact, no petting no nothing, a betulah virgin could give birth without a miracle as non penetrative sex acts that can result in an oops exist, SO IT IS MORE OF A GUARANTEE OF A MIRACLE TO USE THE WORD ALMAH THAN BETULAH both can be translated "virgin" but the Hebrew word rules out any kind of oops and rules out artificial insemination also.
"This is no Orthodox, not even a charismatic Pentecostal Evangelical. This is someone who is in disguise and is dishonest and believes not in Christ."
you are slanderous and idiotic.
you are also wrong in several Scripture quotes. Luke chapter 1 is about JOHN THE BAPTIST GO READ IT FOR YOURSELF.
YOU DO CHRIST NO FAVOR BY ARGUING FOR VALID DOCTRINES USING INVALID SCRIPTURE QUOTES likewise Malachi doesn't say grain offering though the incense angle shows your interpretation is valid, but your quote is not.
" Its an impostor and for years I put up with them reveals my patience. So finally it is wolf be gone. There is no room for dishonest people who cover up who they really are."
I am more honest than you are per these slanders.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Driven from the earth?
Well, things have been moving along. You may remember from
an earlier post, that Daniel 7:4 says of the lion that it was lifted
up from the earth, but that the Septuagint, which often resolves
mysteries in the Masoretic text, says
"The first was like a lioness, and it had wings like an eagle. I
looked until its wings were plucked out, and it was DRIVEN
FROM THE EARTH and made to stand on human feet: and a
human heart was given to it."
"the earth," eretz, is sometimes better translated the land, and in
this case certainly can't mean eradicated from the whole world,
since events happen to it after this driving out. So it is something
that operates in the Middle East but is driven back out of the
Middle to wherever it came from.
Trump, buying into the neocon lies about Russia, has launched
a strike on Syria however ineffective, because of the gas attack
most likely done by rebels. (Also apparently believes the lie
that Russia annexed Crimea when in fact Crimea declared
independence and asked Russia to take it back in, it having been
Russian for 300 years until Kruschev moved it from Russian to
Ukrainian jurisdiction.)
Although he warned everyone incl. Russia of the strike, except
China, Russia is real angry and has said it will respond militarily
to the next such move.
This is a framework in which the prophecy could play out, the
USA could be driven from the Middle Eastern eretz.
an earlier post, that Daniel 7:4 says of the lion that it was lifted
up from the earth, but that the Septuagint, which often resolves
mysteries in the Masoretic text, says
"The first was like a lioness, and it had wings like an eagle. I
looked until its wings were plucked out, and it was DRIVEN
FROM THE EARTH and made to stand on human feet: and a
human heart was given to it."
"the earth," eretz, is sometimes better translated the land, and in
this case certainly can't mean eradicated from the whole world,
since events happen to it after this driving out. So it is something
that operates in the Middle East but is driven back out of the
Middle to wherever it came from.
Trump, buying into the neocon lies about Russia, has launched
a strike on Syria however ineffective, because of the gas attack
most likely done by rebels. (Also apparently believes the lie
that Russia annexed Crimea when in fact Crimea declared
independence and asked Russia to take it back in, it having been
Russian for 300 years until Kruschev moved it from Russian to
Ukrainian jurisdiction.)
Although he warned everyone incl. Russia of the strike, except
China, Russia is real angry and has said it will respond militarily
to the next such move.
This is a framework in which the prophecy could play out, the
USA could be driven from the Middle Eastern eretz.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
China military base in Africa
Hitherto Chinese presence in Africa has not been military. now it is. the
reason is Somali pirates.
Hitherto Chinese presence in Africa has not been military. now it is. the
reason is Somali pirates.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
new developments with China
Well, its 2017. my last post was August 2016. The two candidates
for the leopard were a future Kurdistan and China. The former looks
increasingly unlikely, and would need to duplicate Chinese development
in various lands to fit the picture.
China in the meantime has more trouble from the radicalized Uighurs
and has added 5,000 troops into the Middle East. Supposedly only
trainers and assistants. But this is a slow buildup. They have been present
for many years quietly in the Middle East.
It is only a matter of time before they have to take the fight against
jihad home to its origin and might have war with neighboring countries
in this matter. Though presently friends with Pakistan, Pakistan has
functioned as trainer and protector of jihadis for decades and the
friendship might crumble. Russia is getting into Afghanistan maybe,
and China could also.
The time could come when the borders of both these lands reach,
because of conquest in a defensive/reactive war, into the Middle East.
In any case they are likely to be a permanent presence in the Middle
East and be major players whether obvious or behind the scenes.
for the leopard were a future Kurdistan and China. The former looks
increasingly unlikely, and would need to duplicate Chinese development
in various lands to fit the picture.
China in the meantime has more trouble from the radicalized Uighurs
and has added 5,000 troops into the Middle East. Supposedly only
trainers and assistants. But this is a slow buildup. They have been present
for many years quietly in the Middle East.
It is only a matter of time before they have to take the fight against
jihad home to its origin and might have war with neighboring countries
in this matter. Though presently friends with Pakistan, Pakistan has
functioned as trainer and protector of jihadis for decades and the
friendship might crumble. Russia is getting into Afghanistan maybe,
and China could also.
The time could come when the borders of both these lands reach,
because of conquest in a defensive/reactive war, into the Middle East.
In any case they are likely to be a permanent presence in the Middle
East and be major players whether obvious or behind the scenes.
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